OPR-Finance Oy partners with Orbyt

Satisfied customers are the key to OPR-Finance Oy’s success. And that is why they develop their services and operations from a customer-driven viewpoint. Now they have partnered with Orbyt to improve even more.  


“We have plans for the future, and we are confident that Orbyt can help us achieve these goals. It was a “no-brainer” to choose Orbyt when we had to find a new vendor”

says Johan Fager, Business Development Director at OPR-Finance Oy.   


Proactive partner 

OPR-Finance Oy is a finance company founded in 2005 that offers versatile business credit services and operates in Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands.  

Their customers are their highest priority and therefore they enhance their services so that they are effortless to use while having a clear and transparent operating model.  

“Keeping our customers happy is a critical part of our value chain. That is why we were looking for a partner to evolve with. We are excited to see how we can improve and take advantage of new innovations with Orbyt”

Jukka Aronen, Business System Manager at OPR Finance Oy, says.


“You are the experts, and we need a partner we can rely on. There are a lot of things changing and it will take time and resources to keep up to date, that is why it is important for us to have a partner that can be proactive and be in front of what’s happening in the industry”

Johan says.  


Future plans 

With Orbyt, OPR-Finance Oy, can add payment options to the distribution with one single vendor in all markets they operate in. In addition to improving their invoicing distribution, they already have plans for how to set up solutions for payments as well, making it even simpler for their customers.  

“Streamlining the invoicing process is important, especially looking into new features when it comes to how our customers can pay their invoices in a simpler and more efficient way. I’m happy to hear about all the different options we have already, and that Orbyt has solutions for all countries we operate in”

Jukka says.

“By only having one provider, the complexity will be minimized. Orbyt gives us the whole package solution”

Johan says.  


OPR-Finance Oy is looking to expand to more digital invoicing and payment options and are expecting Orbyt to be innovative and support them in their digital journey in existing and new markets.  

“We want to become more digital, especially in Finland. It is a struggle to handle it ourselves. With this partnership we are confident that we can set a new standard in the market”

Johan says.   

“It makes it easier for the customers and in the end, everyone will benefit from that”

Jukka adds 

Get started with Orbyt

  • Scalable technology
  • Comprehensive applications and services
  • Multi-channel
  • Multi-country