Orbyt growing in Finland

As a result of continued growth and expanding possibilities in Finland, Orbyt is excited to announce that our Finnish team is growing with a new Client and Business Development Director, and a Project Manager.

Outi Strengell-Hytönen is now leading our Finnish team as the Client and Business Development Director. She has been working with eInvoices services for many years and her background and expertise come from eInvoicing, debt collection, and credit information branches.

“Finland is an important part of Orbyt’s strategy, which is why I’m here. We like to be close to our customers, find ways to improve our customer business with Orbyt’s modern and flexible platform, and solve customers’ invoicing problems with our expertise and market knowledge”

says Outi Strengell-Hytönen.

We also have a new Project Manager onboard, Toni Ranta. He will be making sure all Finnish customers get a seamless integration and follow-up as needed. We go into all projects with heart and empathy as we want to build a partner relationship with our customers and be a part of their journey and success.

Toni Ranta has been working with invoices for 25 years. The last 7,5 years he has been working with Telia Finland where he has been working on implementation projects for invoice distribution services and carrier billing.

“The thing I especially liked with Orbyt’s offering from the beginning, and what also differs from other players in the Finnish markets, is the capabilities related to payments. Orbyt is able to offer customer modern tools, not only traditional invoicing but also streamline payments and help customers improve digitalisation. Adding new services will be efficient – I see us as a future-proof option!”

says Toni Ranta.

Together with our Sales Managers, Olli Pekkarinen and Niko Kytö, the team is working hard every day to help our existing customers and new customers to enhance their invoicing distribution and optimising the customer experience for their end-customers.

Get started with Orbyt

  • Scalable technology
  • Comprehensive applications and services
  • Multi-channel
  • Multi-country